We are very excited to share a wonderful, ongoing story about the amazing Litter-Robot III Open Air Connect, and just how helpful and in some cases, essential this appliance is for cat owners.
Over the past few years, we have had the joy to be contacted regarding making this appliance available to cat owners who are not just needing a litter box solution as a great helper, but because they really are unable to manage a manual litter box.
For many owners, their cats are family members not just companions, and there is a deep level of connection and company that is therapeutic, providing many levels of benefit. Even more so for NDIS participants who have challenges that can make life a struggle, and for whom their cats are an integral part of improving and providing quality of life.
Animals are therapeutic. It's well known but particularly dogs, cats and horses seem to be more accepted. There has been much research into the healing benefits of animals in therapy and daily life. They are known to help in the treatment of PTSD, CPTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Trauma and Autism etc all of which can lead people to withdraw from social interaction leaving them battling with loneliness. The presence of companion animals provide so much assistance in improving quality of life everyday. The biggest issue can be maintaining upkeep, particularly in relation to litter box management for cats.
The Litter-Robot III Open Air has proved to be a good fit for replacing a manual litter box for those who need more help, with the Connect (wifi enabled) version being an excellent appliance providing remote monitoring by the support network if required. Achieving control of the day to day care of companion cats provides a fundamental sense of achievement, and removal of stress related to the care process. Remote (wifi) connection provides the back up of support via notifications to enable non-intrusive monitoring and if needed, assistance. The Litter-Robot keeps the litter box managed and reduces maintenance to a level that can be easily attended to, unlike a manual litter box that requires regular scooping, freeing up time for more important support tasks. In addition, increased hygiene, odour control, and reduction in litter boxes for multiple cats, improve life quality and home care. As an added benefit, the Litter-Robot is very litter efficient, using approx. 1kg of litter per cat per week, reducing waste and supply requirements.
One NDIS participant recently communicated with us:
NDIS provide funds for support workers so that people with disabilities (PWD) can achieve their daily living activities. Looking after your pet is a daily living activity.
It's great that a support worker or carer can help with achieving this activity but some people only have funds for a limited number of hours per week. Pets require care every day and night. Fresh food, fresh water, fresh litter. I believe the purchase of a litter robot is an essential item that can be purchased under Assistive Technology. If your pets litter isn't scooped daily if not twice daily, especially if you have two cats, they start depositing everywhere which is a safety (trip) hazard and hygiene problem. With a Litter-Robot, a support worker can change the bag and refill litter once or twice a week when they are there, making the application of service more efficient and effective.
The same principle applies to electronic feeders for food and water as well, all of which can help make the every day care achievable for those who need it most, and providing them a sense of increased independence.
Obviously if the PWD has physical limitations it's easier to see the need but think about a person who struggles like me with mental health issues or with depression who can't get out of bed. Think about a person who has an intellectual disability who can't comprehend the importance of routine care or prioritise these things, or someone who has a cognitive impairment or perhaps again like me needs to take a lot of medications to manage their disability. Medications can cause sedation, weakness, fatigue, dizziness, memory loss etc, all of which can compromise the ability to fulfill their daily living responsibility to look after their beloved pet.
I am so appreciative that I was able to purchase the Robot Litter with my NDIS funding. It has changed my life and I know my pet is being looked after even when I am at my worst. Thankyou Mary for taking the time to help me with my purchase.
We have started on our journey to make our automatic cat care package available to those who have reached out to us and asked for help to fit the need. The Litter-Robot has been successfully purchased by NDIS participants, and although the appliance is not on the approved appliances list, it is recognised as assistive technology. As there are caps in place for such purchases, we do encourage participants to reach out as we do our best to help those in need.
We do have Plan Managers and individual participants who get in touch, and I know that those who have already found us are very kindly sharing with the NDIS community that Cat Evolution is able to provide flexibility to assist in making the automatic cat care appliances available.
We do welcome questions and are open to discussion regarding the availability of the amazing Litter-Robot III Open Air to help NDIS participants achieve or retain independence through easier care for their treasured and integral companion cats. We are also more than happy to provide an invoice with all relevant details to your Plan Manager. We can also have the conversation regarding automatic dry food feeders and filtered water fountains, to round out automatic attendance for cats basic needs.
Those that are plan managed will simply require an Invoice which we are more than happy to provide with all relevant details. At this time we are not currently NDIS registered so those that are self managed will need to take this into consideration